Munro 1839
Sir Thomas Munro reached India at the age of 18 in 1780 and was in India up to his death in 1827 but for a period of 7 years from Oct 1807 to September 1814. In the year 1826 he requested for his relief from the Governorship to EIC but they could not find a suitable successor. In May 1827 he left for a tour of ceded districts. On 6th July he reached Pattikonda. He was attacked by Cholera on the morning of that day and by evening it got worse and by half past nine in the night he passed away. Munro had a boy child in September 1823 by name Campbell Munro. Lady Munro was forced to leave India for Europe in March 1826 due to illness of the child never to see Munro alive again. On 9th July a Gazette extraordinary was published. A public subscription was started for erecting a suitable statue for this pro native great man. This statue made in London by Sir Francis Chantrey was shipped through to India by " Asia " and erected on October 23rd 1839 on the Island.
Pic: ebay
Pic: ebay