Black Town Population 1823

      The  population of Black Town  and surrounding villages of Madras as per the census of East India Company government in 1823.  Black Town : Men 33789 Boys 21305 Males 55094;  Women 44720 Girls 19832  Females 65532;  Total 120646.  Chintadripettah and villages within jurisdiction of Madras  Men 75457 Boys 58687 Males 134144;  Women 99196 Girls 61765  Females 160961; Total 295105. Khandans and their servants 46300. Total population of Madras  462051.  Total no of houses 29612 of which 14093 are in Black Town.  The excess of Females over Males is 37275 a disproportion of  about one in eleven in the  whole population.
            The  first recognised census of Madras was taken in 1871 which showed a lesser number
Source: The Asiatic Journal
Photo : Frederick fiebig 1851


Ram said…
Cold pressing is a technique in which the cold press oil is mechanically pressed from the seeds at temperatures not exceeding 120F.
Traditionally, south India was known for using cold pressed oil. Bullocks were led around the 'chekku oil near me', turning the wooden crusher to extract oil.
chekku coconut oil is considered to be one of the most versatile natural oils today.
Organic marachekku oil in bangalore are produced in remarkable diversity by plants, animals, and other organisms through natural metabolic processes. Lipid is the scientific term for the fatty acids, steroids and similar chemicals.
justin said…

In India it is very difficult for the consumer to buy pure honey as it is being adulterated in some way or other as everyone in this market us here to make profit.
Mustard honey and forest original honey(Sundarban Forest) is the best honey in India but it is being exported to USA as it very costly.
cow gheeWeight Loss - The butyric acid which helps in digestion also helps to burn stubborn body fat thereby enhancing metabolism.
cold pressed cocunut oil is considered to be one of the most versatile natural oils today.
extra virgin coconut oil also helped make cancer patients comfortable by improving the symptoms related to the side effects of chemotherapy.
gramiyum/ Cold pressed oil, the oil is extracted by the traditional way of churning. In this process, no heat is added, keeping all the nutrients of the oil intact 💪.
In India it is very difficult for the consumer to buy pure honey as it is being adulterated in some way or other as everyone in this market us here to make profit.
Mustard honey and forest original honey(Sundarban Forest) is the best honey in India but it is being exported to USA as it very costly.
cow gheeWeight Loss - The butyric acid which helps in digestion also helps to burn stubborn body fat thereby enhancing metabolism.
cold pressed cocunut oil is considered to be one of the most versatile natural oils today.
extra virgin coconut oil also helped make cancer patients comfortable by improving the symptoms related to the side effects of chemotherapy.
gramiyum/ Cold pressed oil, the oil is extracted by the traditional way of churning. In this process, no heat is added, keeping all the nutrients of the oil intact 💪.

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