Pantheon Road, Madras 1880s

        Pantheon Road around last quarter of 19th century.  Pantheon Road was the  Central Business District and happening place of Madras in first half of 19th century.  The  Governors of the  EIC used to give grand balls to visiting dignitaries and on formal occasions in the  Pantheon which was a whole night affair. The offices of Collector of Madras and Superintendent of Police were situated in this road. Ellis was the  Collector around 1810 and Robertson ( may be of Robertsonpet, Mandaiveli) was Collector  and Francis Edward Elliott was Superintendent of Police around 1840s. An Indian  Raugavah Chaureur is also in high position of Deputy Superintendent of Police. The  road must have been a pleasure to walk with its greenery.


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