White Town in 1748 AD
A description of White Town Fort St . George in the year 1748 in a London Magazine :
In the White Town where the Europeans inhabit there are six principal streets three to the North and three to the South of the Fort; and the houses are all of brick several of them two stories high, but all with flat roofs and covered with a plaster made of sea shells which no rain can penetrate. As these flat roofs are secured by battlements the inhabitants make use of them for walking to take fresh air Evening and Morning. There are in this town several magnificent buildings particularly the Portuguese Church which stands on the north side of the Fort. The English church which stands on the south side and is a pretty elegant building with a handsome altar piece, a gallery of fine carved wood, an organ with which they salute God and Governor. An Hospital which stands on the west side of the Fort adjoining to the barracks and is a very commodious as well as useful building. At the other to the south end of the soldiers barracks is the Company's Mint where they mint Coin both Gold and Silver. And lastly the Town Hall south east of the Fort where the Mayor and his brethren assemble and a Court of Justice is held for Civil Causes relating to the Natives.
Pic: bl.uk