Mylapore in 1749
Mylapore was acquisitioned by East India Company in 1749. The Firman issued by Nabob Mohamud Ally Cawn dated the 2nd October 1749
" Whereas Milapore alias St.Thome belonging to the Pain Gaut Country under the Government of Golkonda was delivered up to the English at Madras and Fort St.David on condition that they come and join us with a force and other necessary's whenever they may be called for upon circars business; they may therefore be perfectly easy and continue in their duty and obedience and be ready to serve the Circar.
Dasamokeys, Dasapondeys and Mokkedems, inhabitants belonging to the said Town, are hereby required to pay due allegiance to the English on whom the affairs of the said Town depend; and they are likewise required to look upon them as persons of such authority as what may be said by them concerning them whether they be good or bad will be deemed by us authentic; and they are strictly to act Agreeable to this writing".
Dasamokeys : Police and revenue authority of a district.
Dasapondeys : Revenue accountant
Mokkedems : Village headman
" Whereas Milapore alias St.Thome belonging to the Pain Gaut Country under the Government of Golkonda was delivered up to the English at Madras and Fort St.David on condition that they come and join us with a force and other necessary's whenever they may be called for upon circars business; they may therefore be perfectly easy and continue in their duty and obedience and be ready to serve the Circar.
Dasamokeys, Dasapondeys and Mokkedems, inhabitants belonging to the said Town, are hereby required to pay due allegiance to the English on whom the affairs of the said Town depend; and they are likewise required to look upon them as persons of such authority as what may be said by them concerning them whether they be good or bad will be deemed by us authentic; and they are strictly to act Agreeable to this writing".
Dasamokeys : Police and revenue authority of a district.
Dasapondeys : Revenue accountant
Mokkedems : Village headman