Farewell to Lord Edward Clive 1803

      Edward  Clive son of Robert  Clive. He was Governor of Madras  during the years 1798-1803. He was the  man behind construction of Banqueting Hall and for the formation of the commercial stretch of First Line Beach since he ordered the merchants to vacate  Fort St . George in 1799 and go north. A first hand account of the farewell party given to him in the  Pantheon in October 1803 when he left Madras
           "  On Monday  evening the Hon'ble Basil Cochrane gave a farewell ball and supper at the Pantheon to the right Hon'ble Lord  Clive.  The  rooms were filled with the Ladies and Gentlemen of the settlement before 10 O' clock about which hour the dances commenced  and continued with great vivacity until past one.   An elegant supper had been arranged in the large tents in the garden  but a sudden and unexpected fall of heavy rain made the ground so  wet that the supper tables were necessarily moved upstairs , this accident occasioned some trivial  derangement in the pre concerted plans  but the activity of the managers overcame all difficulties and soon after one the company were seated at tables arranged with as much elegance as could be expected.
        A display of fireworks had been prepared   which we understand the words - Clive , farewell; would have been conspicuous the rain unfortunately demolished the whole. After supper the dances recommenced with additional spirit and were kept up till an early hour.  We do not recollect to have observed on any  other occasion in this settlement, so attractive a display of female elegance and fashion ".


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